Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising That Puts The Right Message In Front Of Exactly The Right Person At Precisely The Right Time

We are able to place your advertisements on 97% of the available ad space on the Internet. This ensures your prospects will see your ads whenever they are online.

Through our proprietary process called Enhanced Geo-Conquesting, we are able to put your ad in front of your ideal prospect just after they have made the decision to buy, and are actively researching...and right before they make the purchase. It is this sweet spot when we are all the most persuadable.

How Does Enhanced Geo-Conquesting Work?

We are able to locate a prospect at a specific location (let's say shopping at your competitor's store). While they are there, we tag their smartphone and start serving ads to them. After they leave, we are able to serve your ads to all of their connected devices (such as their home desktop, laptop, and tablet), as well as their work computer.

Enhanced Geo-Conquesting is used in three ways:

1. Situational Advertising

This is advertising to people who are ready, willing, and able to buy now, resulting in much higher conversion rates compared to other online advertising methods.

2. Magic Retargeting

Retargeting without your prospects ever having to visit your website, or click a link? No cookies or pixels needed. Now you can follow up with prospects who have entered your store without lifting a finger (whew).

3. Historical Situational Advertising

Target individuals that have taken a certain action at any time within the past year. The possibilities are endless, but let's highlight a couple of them...

Prime examples include:

  • Restaurants can target people who have eaten at competing restaurants over the past 6 months.
  • Import Auto Repair Shops can target frustrated Volvo owners whose cars are past the warranty period, and aren't happy with the quote they received for getting their cars repaired at the Volvo dealership.

We are able to serve ads so precisely targeted that not a penny of your ad spend is wasted.

Having the right data, at the right time, is almost unfair.

Say The Word, And I'll Create A FREE Custom Video Presentation Just For You

...kind of a personalized mini-movie (you'll need to supply the popcorn). It will last about 3-5 minutes, and I show you how we would apply our media buying strategy to your specific business.

Click the button below and you'll be taken to my virtual assistant (AKA chatbot), who will get all the details from you so that we can create the presentation for you. Don't worry, it will only take a couple of minutes. Just give me a few days to put it together, and I'll send it right over.

If you like what you see, schedule an appointment with me, where I can answer any questions you have that weren't covered in the video presentation. After that, we can discuss potential next steps.

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